Hello, my name is Raul Oliva, from Stamford CT. I am a 18 year old college freshman at Nichols College. I am majoring in Sport Management and I want to one day work for the NBA. I am hispanic and am one of four children. I love playing, watching and talking basketball. I had a paid internship for two years which was working for a small aquarium on a beach. It was a really fun job because I got to meet new people almost every day. I also learned a lot about marine life. The most interesting thing that happened to me there was that they recorded me because I helped make a promotional video for them. The best thing about working at Soundwaters was that I got to meet a lot of people from different towns that came by. Also I got to work with many different marine animals and experts which I learned a lot from. I would usually go to school then work then play a couple of pick up games of basketball. It was a lot of fun and the job taught me some valuable skills like communication, flexibility, organization, and a good work ethic.
I hope to learn a few things from this class. I want to improve my knowledge on all the Microsoft offices like Excel and Powerpoint. They all are very important to know how to use because a lot of companies ask if you have any skills in them. It also will help me in other classes when I have to use these programs for projects and presentations.
The blog I found was a basketball blog you can find on NBA.com. It basically talks about the most recent activities happening with players like who’s on a role and who’s on a slump. It also discusses trades, hiring, firing, or what teams need. If you like basketball, you will find it very interesting. Another reason I like it is because it has many different writers so you get different view points which you are able to form your own opinion.
Hang Time Blog
Hey whats up that's real cool that you are a fan of basketball and of the NBA. I wanna start of by saying the Celtics are the worst haha. I can say I do like your job it seems pretty fun to work there. I myself am also one of four children the third oldest so that's pretty cool. So i'm taking a wild guess and saying that your favorite sport is basketball. But I think from what I heard you have the passion to be great in sports management and in the world of Basketball, good luck.