My name is Riley Hodge, I'm from sturbridge MA. I'm a second semester freshmen at Nichols College in Dudley MA. I live in Center Hall (trailer park). I plan to major in ITM and minor in Criminal Justice Management. I started working at a Candle Factory (Mole Hollow Candles) in my home town and continue to work there during school. A few years ago my Dad, me, and my brother decided that we would get a Kettle Corn Machine and make hand pop'd kettle Corn. We set up usually every Saturday in Charlton MA, depending on the weather. It's a great experience and talking and engaging with customers helps and hopefully contributes to future employments. Dealing with the public always has its peaks and valleys. Days we kettle corn are long and if we do an event extremely tiring.
The choices are endless as my mind wondered and thought all about picking what blog to choose. With the recent excitement for us Patriot fans I've decided to go with a blog all about the New England Patriots. There is a video that talks about their win on Sunday against the Ravens. I believe this blog is credible because its part of ESPN. this blog interests me because I've always been a fan of the Boston teams Celtics, Patriots, Bruins, Red Sox.
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