Sunday, February 12, 2012

Robot cleaner a 'game changer' for hospital infection epidemic

The article that I chose to read was Robot cleaner a 'game changer' for hospital infection epidemic. The article was written on January 26, 2012 by Eilene Zimmerman. The article came from CNN Money Tech. The article was about how robots are helping hospitals clean and disinfect hospital rooms well, so patients do not get any more infections. Even though hospitals are where sick people go to get better, they can also get much
worse because of the many bacteria and infections there are in the hospitals. The name of the robot is named Xenex. Xenex can disinfect a hospital room in about ten minutes, mainly focusing on places that are hard for the housekeepers to reach and clean. According to Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton, MA, 1 in 129 of their patients got sick with an infection that they got in the hospital in 2010. Since the hospital started using Xenex, they saw a 67% drop in infections. These robots are not cheap at all, they cost $80,000, but many say that it is worth purchasing or leasing. Hospitals pay about $35 billion dollars a year to treat hospital-acquired illnesses. This robot has been such a breakthrough for hospitals to clean. There are about two dozen already in hospitals throughout the United States. The company expects to have 240 robots by the end of the year, and it has already begun to move into Europe and Asia. I think that this is a very good thing for hospitals to have because it can help save the lives of people who are really sick and cannot get any infections if they have a weak immune system. This is also helpful for the housekeepers that clean hospital rooms because this helps them get the places that are tough to clean. Even though they are really expensive, it would be a wise investment and asset for hospitals to have. I was surprise that hospitals paid about $35 billion dollars a year to treat infections that people got in the hospital. I always thought that hospitals were the cleanest places because they need to have them clean for the patients, but now I know that they are not and that patients can still catch many infections.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this article. Sadly, I have to visit hospitals all the time. It feels like my family, especially my Grandma is in there a lot of the time. She is actually there now. I agree that these Robots would be useful. A person can only clean so much and the Robot seems like it would do the trick. My grandma has got an infection while in the hospital. I know it's surprising, but I feel it happens more than people think. I believe you did a great job summarizing and telling your opinion. I agree with you and believe that Robot should be used in hospitals. They are costly, but I believe in the end it will be worth it. Maybe, the hospital or company that created the Robot could ask for donations. They could say how efficient and effective the product is. This would get people to believe in the product and feel it’s necessary to have in hospitals. It’s necessary for health reasons and I feel safety people should make hospitals have this Robot. It’s important for the sake of patients, nurses and visitors. It’s the right thing to do and I feel it should be done. Let’s change the way of hospitals today.
