Thursday, February 16, 2012

Facebook photos that were deleted three years ago? nope still there

Usually when we post a picture on Facebook or any social networking site there is always the option of deleting them at some point.  Facebook announced that photos that have been tried to be deleted in the last three years are still there.  Facebooks old system still has the pictures stored on them.  The company is now just installing a new system that deletes them now.  Just imagine deleting something you didnt want to be seen anymore but somehow they are still there.  That could be really bad if you deleted something for a job interview but the company can go back and see it even though you thought that they were deleted.  I wonder how many jobs have been lost because there was a picture found because Facebook had been giving the wrong impression that the picture was deleted.  Once those pictures are posted though, they never truly go away.  Even in 2012 they are still finding pictures that were supposedly deleted.  Anyone can take a picture and save it to there computer then upload it again after you think that you deleted.  If that was me I would be very upset because I am being told that the picture is deleted when it really has not been.  If  I lost my chance to get a job because a online networking site did not do what they said they were doing, I would try to sue them because of the false ad of the removal of the picture.  I think Facebook should send out a public apology to everyone that uses the site, because they were not doing there job properly.  They should of set this new system in a while ago so they never had to deal with this problem.  They should make sure the new system does not fail and that when they say that a picture is deleted make sure it really is.  I would be really annoyed if I had pictures that I did not want up on world wide web anymore floating around because a company did not do their job right.  Other networking sites should make sure that there systems are working too.

1 comment:

  1. hey Rick, i found your article very interesting indeed! i have been using facebook for years now, and it is really shocking that they are only now changing this. it would seem reasonable that a company with millions of users and billions of dollars could at the least, take care of their users, who are making them money. i cant agree with you any more about the job interviews. i would be pissed if i werent hired because of a mistake made by facebook, especially since people took the time to clean up their profile.
    anyway, very interesting article here, and i totally agree with you.
