Friday, February 10, 2012

Blog #2

The article that I read about was called "Over 3 years later, "deleted" Facebook photos are still online. The date of this article was February 7th, 2012. The article writer is Jacqui Cheng. This article came from CNN The article is about Facebook and about how photos that you think you have deleted haven't really been deleted and are still online to this day from up to 3 years ago! The problem is not only with the photos that you upload yourself but with the photos that others upload of you without your consent. The reason why these photos are still online claims Facebook is that they never came up with a system that was advanced enough to hold all the photos in memory and delete them all and couldn't keep up with the deletions. The JPG's were also an issue. They still haven't fixed the issue and it is more than a couple years later, but they swear they have a solution now because the spotlight is on them. The solution is supposedly that they are coming up with a program that will delete years and years of photos that have been "deleted" in a mere two months. That sounds like a bunch of ridiculous pish-posh to me, sounds like Facebook trying to buy more time until they can come up with an actual solution. My personal view on this issue is that when something says delete it should be deleted it shouldn't be fake deleted. I also feel that Facebook shouldn't have lied for many years pretending to have solved the problem just to get others to forget it and not speak up about it. I use Facebook very often and I wasn't aware of this issue at all until I read this article for this class and I am deeply disturbed at this because I feel that Facebook has a right to let us know of any breaches or possible breaches that could be happening to us. The breaches that I hear about for Facebook I hear about from television first before I hear it from Facebook I feel that that is pathetic on the consumer side of things.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that it is Facebook's fault. Obviosuley there are going to be issues with deleting pictures online but, people need to be aware that once you upload a picture on to the internet it never really gets deleted. People need to be aware of that and think about what pictures they want online. Our professors are always telling us that you need to be careful, becuase it can come back to haunt them in the future.
