Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Over 3 years later, "deleted" Facebook photos are still online

Published: February 7, 2012

         This article talks about how “deleted photos” on Facebook, are not really deleted. People put up photos they regret to put up and eventually end up deleting them. There are many reasons they should have not put up the photo in the first place. The photo could have been offending or had some stupid in it. For example, if a potential employee had a photo of himself drinking the night before, he would delete it so his potential boss would not see it and judge him on the photo. But this article explains that photos deleted off Facebook are still online if a person has the direct link to the .jpg. This means that any photo can be brought up and can end up in the wrong hands. People emailed Facebook trying to find out if they came up with the new system that will actually delete the deleted photos faster than the old system, which took months or years. People want to know that a photo is gone and it cannot be used as harassment against them.

            The issue is still around 3 years later after Facebook promised they would fix the problem. "We have been working hard to move our photo storage to newer systems which do ensure photos are fully deleted within 45 days of the removal request being received," Wolens said. This quote from the article explains that they are still working on the issue but are almost complete with the new system. It is still hard to trust Facebook since they did promise they would come up with the system 3 years ago. But I feel they are really working hard on it and will get it done soon. They cannot risk losing their users over this issue so they have to get it done.

            In my opinion, it is Facebook’s fault for not coming up with the new system that will delete the deleted photos for good. But it is not their fault for putting up the photo in the first place. Parents and teachers tell us that whatever gets put up on the internet, stays on the internet. We have been warned to not put up things we do not want other people to see. It is your own fault if you decided to put a photo on Facebook that you second guessed. The moral of the article is to watch what you put up on the internet because anyone can see it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Raul. Nice job on your blog and incorporating the pictures. I think this article is very interesting. I didn't know this problem has been around for three years and has not been addressed yet. Instead of Facebook continuing to update the Facebook page and changing the format, they should be dealing with this dilemma. I know there are people out there who put incriminating or embarrassing pictures up on facebook of other people. So it's not always the individual's (in the picture)fault. I'm sure there are many people who have pictures taken of them and they don't know about it. I think Facebook should stop stalling, because I'm sure they have a solution to this problem. If they don't change it soon they may end up losing alot of their users...
