Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Article: 5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world

Original Article ByLogan Kugler
Publish Date: February 7, 2012 6:00 AM ET
Article Name:  5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world

The Article that I chose to read about was on how to secure your Facebook profile. The article was written by Logan Kugler, and published on the 7th of February. The article starts by explaining how Facebook’s new layout has people concerned. The reason for distress to this new layout is that people have less privacy on their pages. Facebook constructed a new type of page where your profile is a timeline that dates all the way back to when you created your Facebook. The problem is that anybody who is friends with you gets full access to it. After explaining the problem, the article offers five ways to help protect your page. The ways are to limit connections, tailor tags, rein in app permissions, stop others from taking your information with them, and to reduce your social footprint. By following these steps, the article advises that you will be much more protected.
Of the five ways, I found tailoring your tags to be most interesting and quite possibly the most helpful. Tailoring your tags permits you to be in control of your profiles confidentiality. For example, if you do not want people to see something from the past, it can be hidden so just the owner sees it. I found that to be creative because I’m sure that people do not want everything on their Facebook to be shown. People mature as they age, so this can help people erase the “Facebook past” they have. The second most interesting way that I found to be helpful is reducing your social profile. The article was very direct about this subject. The main way of doing this is if you don’t want someone to see it, then don’t post it. The problem with just erasing something is it takes time for it to disappear, but never posting something assures you that nobody will ever see it. Even if somebody decides to post something they are questionable about, they still can limit who actually views it. Facebook has added the option of allowing certain people to see what you post, such as just friends, or even the entire Facebook community.
            Speaking from personal experience, I found these ways to be helpful. It makes your page seem safer when only people you actually know can see what you’re doing. I know the point of Facebook is to be social, but I don’t want anybody I do not know viewing anything on my profile. So these ways of securing my profile can only help somebody like me. 

(You wanted me to send you a reminder about how my blog was on time, but I added the picture in class to aviod loosing credit)


  1. I liked reading about this blog because whether people beleive it or not, Facebook can and most likely will have a huge input on your life somehow. Everyone has their on preferances on privacy on their Facebook page, some more than others. People are constatly checking your facebook page, and chances are there will be things that you may at the time thought you wanted people to see, but later down the road you decide otherwise. This could impact you getting hired for a job. Also to be completely honest, there are creeps on the internet, that could possibly stalk you, and they dont even necesarilly have to be your friend on facebook. Since adding the new feature of the timeline, it is true that people have been concerned with their privacy. After reading this blog, it is clear to me that there are ways to help yourself stay "protected".

  2. Hey Boddy, i thought this article was really interesting. the tips from the article definitely make sense to me. i am surprised though that some people would need to be told that if they don't want everyone on the internet to see something, they shouldn't post it. this seems pretty basic, i mean if you were the only person left in the world, would you still use Facebook? unless you were crazy, the answer would be no. so people should know that what they are posting can and will be seen by people. i think this article is especially important to people our age because as we know, possible employers look over our Facebook pages to see if we are as responsible as we say we are. i liked your reflection on the article, and i though you did a good job summarizing it.
