Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog 3 Anthony Taylor

Apple Unveils Mac OS X Mountain Lion was published on Thursday February 16, 2012. The OS X mountain lion is what's hot on the streets for technology. The article is getting everyone excited for the upcoming new technology that will be a must have in the summer. This new OS X technology will give you the feeling you have on you the I Pad and I phone on the new Mac. The iOS is old news to the OS X it is the must have of technology and the next hot thing for Mac lovers. Some of the new features that make this new software so hot is you can text and get notifications like the IPhone on your desktop. Tweeting and all other social networks will come to life on the new OS X and the word will experience out of the world technology. The 12 year mark of the Mac OS was getting flack for being too predictable and this new software has done nothing more but revive the life of the software. The new Mac OS X lion is getting so much praise because even though it has all the look of a desktop it function just like I pad. The Notifications don't come in the old school way but in very high tech banners on the side of the screen. The Mac and iOS will have to share apps but that means nothing to them with the great technology apple will be producing. There are tons of new eye popping features and have already created a buzz.
As I viewed this article I was amazed at all of the new technology in the new OS X. I would absolutely purchase this new form of technology. Already being a strong contributor to the apple products I am still surprised by every new thin that apple come out with. The new look and software that is similar to the I Phone and I Pad is amazing to see done in the form of a laptop. The vivid screens and the way the apps are like the I Phone is amazing to me. As a young and technical person this article and description of this product has made me want to buy it.

Apple settles class-action suit over IPhone 4 antenna problem

Title : Iphone 4 Antenna Problems P-Date : Wednesday February 22 2012 When reading this article there was a few surprising issues to hear about with the Iphone 4, but then again I am not surprise to hear about such things. The Iphone 4 was released in June 2010 and after it went on the market it became a huge seller, though soon after it went on sale a lot of Iphone owners started complaining about that the frequency on their phones was dropping voice calls. Trying to figure out what the issue was they found out the culprit of this issue was the antenna that is wrapped in a band around the phone's edge to help give it that slim look. They also figured out that they way owners were holding the Iphone was also causing the reception to suffer or cut out completely, it was referred to this as the "death grip". From these issues a law suit arose from it and in a written statement to CNET apple said, ""This settlement relates to a small number of customers who indicated that they experienced antenna or reception issues with their iPhone 4, and didn't want to take advantage of a free case from Apple when it was being offered in 2010." However, one of the attorneys on this case named Ira Rothken stated that more than 21 million Iphone 4 owners were eligible for the payout. That case offer lasted for three months and initially Apple had been ignoring the complaints by customers and then dismissed them. However after having the issues with these phones, Apple then issues the IPhone 4S in October and did not show any of the problems that the IPhone 4 did. Multiple law suits had emerged from that one law suit and most of the plaintiffs agreed that Apple was misleading in communication to their customers about this issue. Under the settlement, eligible customers should get an e-mail from Apple some time in April.
Once they recieve that email they will have 120 days to apply for the $15. A website,, has been set up but had not yet been activated as of Monday morning. For me I believe that it was wrong of Apple to ignore their customers about these issues because if they want more customers to buy their products therefore they should fix any issues they might have. That if they are able to provide customers with a great service and help them get the phone that they want with no issues then they will get more customers.

Article: 5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world

Original Article ByLogan Kugler
Publish Date: February 7, 2012 6:00 AM ET
Article Name:  5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world

The Article that I chose to read about was on how to secure your Facebook profile. The article was written by Logan Kugler, and published on the 7th of February. The article starts by explaining how Facebook’s new layout has people concerned. The reason for distress to this new layout is that people have less privacy on their pages. Facebook constructed a new type of page where your profile is a timeline that dates all the way back to when you created your Facebook. The problem is that anybody who is friends with you gets full access to it. After explaining the problem, the article offers five ways to help protect your page. The ways are to limit connections, tailor tags, rein in app permissions, stop others from taking your information with them, and to reduce your social footprint. By following these steps, the article advises that you will be much more protected.
Of the five ways, I found tailoring your tags to be most interesting and quite possibly the most helpful. Tailoring your tags permits you to be in control of your profiles confidentiality. For example, if you do not want people to see something from the past, it can be hidden so just the owner sees it. I found that to be creative because I’m sure that people do not want everything on their Facebook to be shown. People mature as they age, so this can help people erase the “Facebook past” they have. The second most interesting way that I found to be helpful is reducing your social profile. The article was very direct about this subject. The main way of doing this is if you don’t want someone to see it, then don’t post it. The problem with just erasing something is it takes time for it to disappear, but never posting something assures you that nobody will ever see it. Even if somebody decides to post something they are questionable about, they still can limit who actually views it. Facebook has added the option of allowing certain people to see what you post, such as just friends, or even the entire Facebook community.
            Speaking from personal experience, I found these ways to be helpful. It makes your page seem safer when only people you actually know can see what you’re doing. I know the point of Facebook is to be social, but I don’t want anybody I do not know viewing anything on my profile. So these ways of securing my profile can only help somebody like me. 

(You wanted me to send you a reminder about how my blog was on time, but I added the picture in class to aviod loosing credit)

New York Times Insight on Foxconn

I read the article that was published on January 31st, 2012 by Steve Kovach that’s called “Should you feel guilty for buying an IPhone”. This article was all about how New York Times did a research on Foxconn and what it’s like to work there. The New York Times find some disturbing evidence that backed up how miserable it is to work there. The workers have shifts up to six times a week and work up to twelve hour days. The workers have experienced swelling of their legs because the long hours they put in without rest. The factory is also unsafe because there was a reporting that a worker got badly burnt when a machine that produced IPads in China. He later died with his family and that’s not the first accident that took people’s lives. There also have been suicides over working there, that’s how bad it is. There has been many attempts at boycotting Apple because of how they treat their workers but not enough people care about how they are made as long as there getting their smart phone, they don’t care how it got into their hands. It is such a hot topic these days because of how cheap they go for now. They are only cheap because they get them from China and the price is cheaper down there. The part that got me mad was when they said Apple has $100 billion dollars in the bank and they know how bad the workplace is in Chine, but they still don’t give them any money towards improving it and making it a better place of employment. I personally don’t think that people care about how the work environment is like in China because most people these days just care about themselves and don’t think about anything else. They recently took a poll and wanted Apple to make all produces in the U.S so that they can collect the manufacturing cost. That leads me back to my point about how people don’t care how it’s made, as long as they have it in their hands and it didn’t empty their wallet.

Blog 3

I did the article “Apple manufacturing plant workers complain of long hours, militant culture”. The article talks about a female worker name Chen describing the working conditions in China. They work in long assembly lines for many hours. Pay is very minimal and the working conditions are poor. She works for Foxconn which is a factory that works with Apple. They are the one of the best industry’s in China to work for but that shows how bad it is to work in a factory. Chen had to have her real name private because if Foxconn ever found out who she really was, she would be laid off in a second. Suicide has even been a problem for Foxconn and they had to have nets in the factories to keep employees from jumping. Apple has said that they expect working conditions to be fair for employees and that it should be environmentally friendly.  Many employees don’t stand up for themselves because many of them are low class citizens who can’t find another job. They either have to put up with it or not have a job. What also surprised me was that Chen has never seen a finished product of her work. Chen was amazed of the Ipad and said she has never seen it finished. She only does what she needs to in the assembly line and moves on with her life. 

I believe that these working conditions in China have to be changed. It is not fair that these people have to work long ours in a non friendly environment. But I also believe change will not happen. China is more like a communist country/economy and does not want the wealth to be evenly distributed throughout the citizens. Even though Apple says they want better working conditions, I do not believe that they will actually enforce it. They know that if they try to change it, they will get charged more for the products if it does happen. Being charged more means raising prices in America. And when they raise prices in America, Apple will lose customers. 

Facebook and its Issues

          I read the article "5 Ways to Secure Your Facebook Profile in a Post-Timeline World" by Logan Kugler on February 7, 2012.  The article talks about how easy it is for anyone to access peoples personal information on sites like Facebook.  The article shows you five ways you should check or update you're settings with the new timeline feature they recently put on the website.  I chose this article because you can find my profile on this site, but I do realize that what is put on this site can be found by pretty much anyone and can hinder your job opportunities in the future.  After reading this article I did check my Facebook settings to be sure they are set at what I want them set at.  To sum up the article, its letting users know to secure themselves on Facebook and it introduces the new aspects to Facebook including the new timeline feature.  

          The article had an in depth description for 5 ways to secure your profile.  The first way is to limit your connections or to only allow some people find and add you and look at your pictures.  The next way is to tailor your tags, in other words don't allow just anyone to tag you in your pictures.  The third way is to rein app permission, which makes other people get permission before sending you an app.  The fourth way in securing your profile is to stop others from taking your information with them, this prevents other people from sharing your information through other apps and websites.  The fifth and final step is to reduce your social footprint on Facebook, which means to limit posts to only a certain number of friends.  The article has a much further in depth description with a how to guide to follow in changing these settings.  You can visit the article here:
If you need further convincing to edit your settings check this article out


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Robots Being Used in Hospitals

Robot cleaner a 'game changer' for hospital infection epidemic
January 26, 2012
CNN Money  By: Eilene Zimmerman

            The article I read was about a robot that sterilizes hospital rooms. This robot is expensive, but it can clean a room in about 5-10 minutes, which is very quick. Besides that, it uses a special type of ultra violet light instead of chemicals, so the hospitals that use the machine do not have to keep buying these chemicals for the robot. Two of these robots are already being used at a hospital in Massachusetts, and they are yielding great results. They have already saved five lives, because they have reduced hospital-acquired infection by 67%.
            Personally, I think that these robots are excellent. They cost about $80,000 which may seem like a great deal at first, but comparing this to the billions of dollars that hospital-acquired infections cost American hospitals each year, it is an extremely small price to pay. They are quick, taking only five to ten minutes for a whole room. This is about as quick as a person can clean a room, but the robot sterilizes everything that its ultra violet light touches, which a cleaning person can not do 100% of the time. The fact that the company is small at the moment means that they are able to pay closer attention to their customer’s feedback, and to make changes that will help hospitals. I think that hospitals should definitely use these robots to clean for several reasons. The two robots at the hospital in Massachusetts have already saved the hospital nearly $3 million already. This is a huge gain for the hospital financially, and a gain in their record, because hospital-acquired infections have dropped significantly as a direct result of these robots. In my opinion, if a hospital is thinking of getting a couple of these robots, I would strongly suggest that they do. I was shocked at how common hospital-acquired infections were after reading this article, and it does not take a great deal of thinking to figure out that this rate of infection from a place that is supposed to help people, is far too high. This is a great use for modern technology, and it can save enormous amounts of time, money, and lives. 

5 ways to secure your Facebook profile

In the article, "In the article, "5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world- Computerworld", the author Logan Kugler talks about privacy settings and how Facebook is changing peoples profiles to a timeline structure where anyone can visit any of your past photos, statuses, and/or anything involved with your past Facebook settings. Though this is an interesting structure, like the Kugler says privacy is an issue. Almost all internet sites are becoming accessible to other people. The new timeline structure has five privacy settings which includes, who can look up your timeline by name or contact info, who can send you friend requests, who can send you Facebook messages, who can post on your timeline, and who can see posts by others on your timeline. All of these are very good settings, but there could be more to help with your privacy settings. Other aspects that Kugler reaches are how you can change your settings. People lie about their settings all the time, you should have to be able to tell the truth, but all of your information shouldn't be viewable unless you are a friend with the person. Some people on Facebook just accept everyones friend requests, there should be like a messaging system to approve this friendship instead of someone just clicking accept or decline.  My theory on Facebook is that no matter what Facebook does with your privacy settings there is still going to be someone that can find out your information through Facebook. That is something people are going to have to deal with. No matter how private people can still possibly know one of your friends on Facebook and they'll let them see someones information. Also there are people out there that can hack into peoples information making it so they can find your information. Though this may not be true, I honestly and strongly think that the government can look into any of your information no matter how much you set your privacy settings. Another area on Facebook that Kugler talks about is applications on Facebook. If you don't want people to see your information then you just click on "Remove" on who has permission to see your applications.

Blog # 3

Wesley Williams
Publication Date:February 7, 2012
5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world
       The article I chose was about facebook. I chose the article because I am a facebook user I go on it a lot, and as soon as it said facebook it caught my eyes. I also have seen a lot of people get there account hacked in to and took over by random people or viruses so that is another reason I read this article. This article was about how they were making changes to facebook, and adding things to it to make it different, and somewhat better. It was telling us about the changes they were making to the profile page as a whole, and other things as well. The article was more about how to keep your profile safe from anything bad that you can think of, well not all of it because the internet is tricky but less of it. They had steps laid out for how to do it exactly by changing little things from public to whatever you desire it to be. But that isn’t all it shows it also shows how people are getting your information in different ways by what you are putting up there, and finding and using the things about your info.  Anyways yes, that is what the majority of the article was about, and just walks you through everything to get safe. This article has let me know so much that I don’t even want facebook anymore as many things as they can get off you I don’t feel like going through the trouble to just hide all that stuff, so I would just deactivate the whole thing.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Secure Your Facebook

The article I read was called, “5 Ways to Secure Your Facebook Profile in a post-Timeline World." This article talks about ways that you can secure your Facebook. The timeline is becoming more and more popular as the days goes on. Some people made the change right away, others waited for others to get the timeline, while others never changed theirs, but soon will come to find out, that it will change on its own. Everytime Facebook changes, so does your privacy settings. This being said, you should be checking your privacy checking one in a while. The first way is to limit your connections, which means limit it to those who can find you, add you, look at your pictures or send you pictures. The second way is to tailor your tags, which means don't allow just some random person to tag you in your picture. The third way is rein in app permission, which means people need to get permission to send you an app. That makes perfect sense because you should have a say in who is sending you apps and if you really want them. The fourth way is stop others from taking your information with them. This prevents people from sharing your information through apps or other websites. The fifth step, last, but not least is reduce your social footprint. This means to limit your posts to a limited number of friends, not everyone. I believe this was a great and useful article. I believe everyone that has a Facebook should read this article. It gives great hints about securing your websites. Facebook is a whole new world, but as in any world we have to be protected. You have to be careful with what you post, comment or tag on Facebook. Facebook is a scary place because people can find your information and know more than you want people to know about you. You need to be aware of the information you put on Facebook. Just make sure you know that people will see information and some of it should be private. Just be cautious of what you put on Facebook because you never know who can see it or be looking at it.

No Service

Apple settles class-action suit over iPhone 4 antenna problem.

By: Dan Gross



In the article I read, it discussed some issues that Apple was having with its consumers. The problem Apple was facing was its consumers were encountering dropped calls while using the iPhone 4. The reasoning for this issue, Apple says was how they designed the newly released phone. Apple stated that when this product was designed, the phones antenna would be wrapped around the body of the phone, to use less space. Upon doing so, if the consumer holds the phone in the wrong position with their hand, it will cause the antenna to be covered, causing the connection of the call to be a bit fuzzy, or completely interrupted by the user’s hand. To counter the issue and complaints made by their consumers, Apple is offering 15 dollars to their consumers who encountered the problem, or a free iPhone case. The company says that this offer will be used for about Twenty-One users. The reasoning for giving away the case is because it actually helps combat the problem. The case has a certain bump on it that will not allow its user to apply their “death grip” upon the phone, which would cause it to disable the connection. Although I do not have the iPhone I think this is the only way Apple should have approached this problem with their product. Apple had made a “flaw” in their product, after selling millions of these phones, they found out after the act that they messed up in designing the phone. After taking a business class last semester, I can understand why Apple is offering the money or free phone case to its customers, solely because they knew they messed and they value their customers. Instead of saying “Oh Well” Apple took complete fault for their problem and did something about it. This is why Apple is one of the best built companies in the world as of right now. Apple has fixed the problem. Each user of this phone was sent an email, and had three month’s to apply for the money or phone case.

Securing Facebook profiles.

   The article I read was 5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world, written by Logan Kugler, and was published on February 7, 2012.
   Facebook's recent timeline feature causes a major security and privacy issue. This new layout presents all current, and past activities on Facebook, in a convenient timeline format that is available to anyone who can access the profile. The five ways to help secure your profile are limit connections, tailor tags, rein in app permissions, stop others from taking your information with them, and reduce your social footprint.
   Limting your connections refers to editing your personal privacy settings, which are accessible by clicking on the arrow in the right-hand corner of your home page. The first three settings set who can look up your profile and see contact information, and who can submit a friend request and send you messages. According to the article, for maximum privacy, change the first and third settings to Friends. The second setting governs who can send Friend requests. The more secure choice would be Friends of Friends, but that would limit your connectivity on the world's largest social network.
   Tailoring your tags allows you to take control of your profile's privacy, as some taggings can be pretty invasive. Disabling the fourth setting on the list makes it harder for friends to tag large quantities of photos featuring you or other people that look like you. The last setting is most important because it determines whether or not friends can check you into places. This wil allow friends to broadcast your location, even without permission. 
    The Rein in app permissions refers to allowing certain apps to have access to your profile information. The privacy fix for this is somewhat difficult and time-consuming since each app's settings must be tweaked individually. Also some permissions cannot be altered, so if you don't like certain information being accessible by apps, then remove it.
   Stopping others from taking your information with them is another important privacy issue. Other users may be able to bring your personal information with them when they use apps and websites. Unchecking all the boxes next to each informations category in the edit settigns of 'How people bring your info to apps they use", will prevent others from using your personal data.
    The final way to secure your profile is by reducing your social footprint. Basically if you don't want someone to read or see something, then don't post it. Deleting certain posts can take forever because it has to be done individually. As a precaution, you can also limit posts to just friends, however there are dowfalls to this as well. Use your common sense! Future employers have access to the internet and know how to use it.

End of unlimited data?

For my blog post I choose the article titled "Smartphone data shake-up: The end of 'unlimited'". This article immediately grabbed my attention because I personally am a smart phone user. I am not going to lie; I am quite addicted to my IPhone 4.  I am either checking my twitter, looking up the bruins score or texting my friends; I am on my phone a lot. After reading the article i realized that my data plan that I believe is unlimited is actually not un limited at all. When I have spare time I am definitely going to conduct some research on my exact plan from Verizon wireless. It is quite rude that these companies sell plans you think are unlimited but actually are not. Along with the fact the plans are not unlimited, you get charged for going over and you way not even know it. This is not a fair practice; it is not fair to the hardworking customers of Verizon and AT&T. Granted that most of your average Smartphone users do not eclipse the overall data threshold; you can easily go over it without knowing. No warnings, no nothing the company will just tab your bill with the charges. Sprint is the only mobile provider that does not charge you for going over our data plan. Sprints plan is truly unlimited which I personally applaud because they are offering it as they sell unlimited data. In this new super smart phone era it is vital to know all the fine print associated with your expensive cell phone. Not being fully aware of the can’s and can not’s of your phone and its plan will and can cost you a lot of money. Overall I feel there will be some change when it comes to this unlimited data dilemma. With thousands of people signing up for these data plans and obtaining a Smartphone (You can’t get a Smartphone without a data plan), the rules may have to change in the near future. These companies cannot peach “unlimited data” that is truly not unlimited and get away with these rogue charges.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Blog #3

The article that I chose is called “5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world.” The article is from Computer World and the publication date is from February 7th 2012. In the article it talks about the new format that Facebook is using called “Timeline.” Timeline allows everyone, even people that you aren’t friends with, to see your comments, friends, posts, etc. This is extremely privacy invading. The article shows you how to go around and change your settings, so that you can make it more private, like the way it used to be. The advice they give you is: edit your tags, change your settings, change your app settings, and make things viewable by only your friends or friends of friends (not public). The reason why the tell you to edit your tags is because when someone tags you in something everyone can see what they tagged you in, this takes away from privacy. It doesn’t have to be a status that they tag you in, it can also be a picture. Changing your settings can allow you to control who views your profile. Your applications leak a lot of your information this is where a lot of companies get your information such as third-party etc., so changing those will help your privacy. Lastly, your status updates making them private, only viewable by friends or friends of friends, helps greatly because it controls more of what people see. I chose this article because I use Facebook very often and privacy is a huge thing to me and any way that I can be safer on my internet use is a big thing to me. I already knew about the privacy problems with Timeline because I’ve been using Timeline myself now for almost two months and have looked at my profile from other peoples Facebook accounts to see what it looks like to them. This trial and error has shown me a lot. I meddled around with the settings and found out how to change the settings so that I could make certain things only viewable by me and I did.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Facebook photos that were deleted three years ago? nope still there

Usually when we post a picture on Facebook or any social networking site there is always the option of deleting them at some point.  Facebook announced that photos that have been tried to be deleted in the last three years are still there.  Facebooks old system still has the pictures stored on them.  The company is now just installing a new system that deletes them now.  Just imagine deleting something you didnt want to be seen anymore but somehow they are still there.  That could be really bad if you deleted something for a job interview but the company can go back and see it even though you thought that they were deleted.  I wonder how many jobs have been lost because there was a picture found because Facebook had been giving the wrong impression that the picture was deleted.  Once those pictures are posted though, they never truly go away.  Even in 2012 they are still finding pictures that were supposedly deleted.  Anyone can take a picture and save it to there computer then upload it again after you think that you deleted.  If that was me I would be very upset because I am being told that the picture is deleted when it really has not been.  If  I lost my chance to get a job because a online networking site did not do what they said they were doing, I would try to sue them because of the false ad of the removal of the picture.  I think Facebook should send out a public apology to everyone that uses the site, because they were not doing there job properly.  They should of set this new system in a while ago so they never had to deal with this problem.  They should make sure the new system does not fail and that when they say that a picture is deleted make sure it really is.  I would be really annoyed if I had pictures that I did not want up on world wide web anymore floating around because a company did not do their job right.  Other networking sites should make sure that there systems are working too.
 Apple manufacturing plant workers complain of long hours, militant culture
The article I chose to read was about the company Apple doing nothing new compared to other companies as far as going over sea’s to make parts or all of their products to then be sold here in the states.  The article was published by Chi-Chi Zhang from CNN on Monday February 6, 2012.  I picked this article because it does interest me as to why companies have been going to other countries for factory work.  They can save millions of dollars by paying “minimum wage” in other countries compared to the minimum wage here in the states which are about 8 dollars at the moment.                                                                                      
This article was about a specific factory worker, a young 18 year old college student who could use the money the Foxconn Technology Group would pay her.  She has never seen the finished Ipad product and has worked at the factory that makes them.  The Foxconn Technology group is one of many who manufacture products for Apple along with other global brand names, such as Amazon’s Kindle and Microsoft’s Xbox.  The first day she worked there an eldery women said “why did you come to Foxconn, Don’t ever think about it again and leave right now.”  Employees of Foxconn have a saying “they use women as men and men as machines.” After three weeks of applying more than 4,000 stickers a day onto iPad screens by hand and working 60 hours a week in an assembly line, Chen says she's ready to go back to college and study hard so she'll never have to return to Foxconn.
I feel this article has some great points into what the problems are with big businesses who go overseas, but let’s face it companies in the states become big businesses to make more money and buy going overseas they can do that.  I feel like other countries need to establish a minimum wage, it probably will be much less than ours but it may be more than they are making now.  Its definitely wrong beyond belief to force unpaid overtime on workers.  This article really hit home for me because last year I had to take a year off from school for medical reasons and I worked in a factory doing very very insanely monotonous tasks over and over again.  That only energized me and forced me more to get an education and get out into a job over minimum wage and with benefits.   

Facebook Photos "Deleted" over three years

Facebook Photos Trying to be "Deleted"

Over 3 years later, "deleted" Facebook photos are still online, this article was updated on Tuesday February 7, 2012. The website is After reading this article I had this summary. Facebook photos are a major problem on personal privacy. People are constantly getting tagged into photos and are uploading photos, some they may not know that they took or were in. This is a problem in getting jobs and in how people may get an impression of you. There is an option to untag yourself, but some people have the photos still and can still be found. Like everything on the internet, everything is still there. You can't fully delete anything off the internet. Though Facebook is trying to delete photos completely they are still able to be found. Photos are accessible if you have a direct link. Facebook photos are causing problems for many people, because when trying to get a job offer certain businesses are able to find some photos that they may not like. It is said that photos have the chance to be fully deleted by the CDN within 45 days. This may be true, but in my personal opinion this most likely is a fallacy. The internet is too much of a giant subject to fix. Though our society is constantly improving on our advancements in society, we are still going to have troubles solving the problem of fully deleting materials off the internet. Though inappropriate pictures are constantly getting getting uploaded, instead of people trying to figure out how to delete photos completely, people should be working on how to not allow certain photos to be uploaded. For example, if there is a photo that contains any drugs or alcohol, they should not be allowed to be uploaded. Though the age problem comes into play, people shouldn't be able to make a false Facebook account. Facebook accounts should have verified content from the persons birth certificates. Facebook and the internet are two very big aspects of peoples lives and both are very hard to keep fully true. Both Facebook and the internet have many fallacies which creates a world where more problems can occur, this is part of the reason why Facebook is trying to delete photos completely off of the internet. So overall, without the ability to find the truth out about anyone deleting photos off of Facebook completely will take longer than 45 days. 


Verizon and Redbox vs Netflix

   I read the article "Verizon and Redbox team up to battle Netflix" which was written by David Goldman and published on February 6, 2012. Julianne Pepitone, staff writer at New York CNNMoney, also contributed to this article.
   This article states that Verizon and Redbox are becoming more efficient than Netflix, and are beginning to take lead. People won't have to wait a few days for their mail to come in order to get a movie. They can just go to the Redbox and pick out a movie, or, they can get the movie on their computer or mobile phone. Although Netflix dominance in the streaming video aspect, it has many uprising challengers.
  The main difference that may affect the Netflix and its challengers, are their availability of ne listings. According to the article, Netflix features past-season TV shows and older movies but has been criticized for its lack of newer content. With Redbox, however, there is a greater amount of new-release content available to consumers.
    In my opinion I agree with this article. I have never used Netflix, so I'm not totally sure on how it works, but I have utilized the Redbox before. The Redbox does allow 'customers' to rent new releases and is quick and easy. There are times when I approach a Redbox and there is a line of people waiting to get a new movie. It charges only a dollar a night per movie, although lately I have noticed the prices increasing.

   I believe Netflix charges a flat rate each month for an unlimited amount of movies. I do not know if there is still a lot of movies being mailed out, but I believe it is more of an online account. This allows customers to get the movie right away instead of waiting a few days for it in the mail. You can get Netflix on such things like IPODs, computers, Xbox, PS3, etc..basically anything with an internet connection.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Should You Feel Guilty Buying an iPhone?

The story that I read about was about to workers of Foxconn. Foxconn is a China based factory that makes Appleproducts such as the iPod, iPhone and the iPad. The workers at Foxconn have recently started to protest due to the harsh working conditions that they are facing. Foxconn is a 24- hour factory and the workers work six days a week, sometimes in twelve hour shifts. The workers live close to the factory in dorm like places and some of the workers are underage. There have been reports of people being seen jumping from the buildings that the workers in in an attempt to commit suicide. One worker in that worked for an Apple manufacturing company in Changdu was killed due to an explosion at the factory. Foxconn however denies the reports of any of these horrible working conditions that is being reported by the New York Times. Apple refuses to comment of the subject however there was an e mail form the CEO leaked saying that Apple is committed to worker safety and take it the claims very seriously. People in the U.S responded to this by saying that Apple should make their products in the U.S. because those working conditions wouldn't be acceptable here. In order for Apple to make their products here there would have to be an increase on the price of the products and Americans are not willing to pay more than they already do for the products. If the workers in China do stage a boycott against their employers and are successful, than the conditions for the workers could very well change but the prices of the goods here in America would change also. The prices of all of our favorite gadgets would increase significantly.


I chose the article about Facebook pictures not being deleted for over 3 years wrote by Jacqui Cheng on February 7th, 2011. I find this article really important in society today because everything is linked back to social networking since more than half the world uses it and doesn’t understand when they click delete, what actually happens. In this article, it summarizes how someone wanted a picture that was posted by someone else of their kid naked crawling around in the yard to be deleted and even though you delete it on the site, doesn’t mean that it’s off the World Wide Web. He contacted Facebook Company and asked for them to take it off the site for privacy purposes. He was told that they are working on a way to delete it permanently it from everything so that people don’t have to worry about having something as little as a picture to ruin your background. He soon found out that they didn’t completely take it down like he had asked because they get thousands of pictures every day and couldn’t get to his personal picture yet. They said they are working on a way to delete it within 45 minutes of pressing delete, but are still working on it. Since social network is such a big thing to be involved in, people find it the easiest way to find out something that you want to know about anyone. People these days are concerned that when you go and look for a job, they will look on your Facebook to see if you are a good or bad kid. Since Facebook is nationwide, a lot of people use it, put pictures up, and post stupid things that they will regret someday. By having this filter that will delete those mistakes that you regret, will allow people to not have to worry about it. I know people that are in college and they will change their name slightly just so there job sight, school, or anyone for that matter will find the pictures. I personally am on Facebook and watch what people post on my wall and put pictures up of me because I know people that have gotten screwed because this site.
"Over 3 years later "deleted" Facebook photos are still online" Tuesday February 7 2012 After reading this article about the "deleted" Facebook photos I can say that I am pretty shocked to hear that the photos we delete from Facebook aren't really being deleted. I am a Facebook user and I have deleted some photos from this website either because I didn't want them up anymore or I just didn't like them and to find that they aren't being deleted right away kind of shocks me. In the article they discuss how the systems being used a few years ago did not delete photos with in a reasonable time period and that now they are working on a newer system to fix that problem. They also talked to the people from Facebook again and said, "Wolens claims that Facebook is on the verge of fixing up its content systems so that "deleted" photos are really, truly deleted within 45 days." For me and for many many other Facebook users I really hope this is true because I know that for me I am going to being looking for a job after I graduate college and I know that I don't want a photo on Facebook to decide my future. Also for other people who already have jobs they have to be careful what goes on their Facebook profiles because if one in-appropriate picture goes up on their profile then their boss can see it and they could possibly get fired. Therefore any photos containing certain illegal activities like drinking, doing drugs can hurt you for getting the into the future college you want and a future job that you want and to have the future you want. They said that this has been and on-going issue for years now and that they have been writing about this for a long time and that hopefully it will get resolved. So for me as a contributor to putting up photos on Facebook that since it takes a long time for photos to be deleted, I will now know that I won't put up pictures that are in-appropriate and photos that can hurt the future I am striving for.

Apple Cost Cutting Measures

Apple Cost Cutting Article
The article I read discussed the way Apple the computer company saves money. The company saves money by designing their products in America and assembling them in China. In China the work the people do does not entail minimum wage. This means apple can produce a lot of product cheaply due to the low wage labor force. Along with cheap labor in China, Apple is able to get its many computer parts cheaply and efficiently. With various glasses, metals and antennas needed for production Apple must import them from multiple countries. Being such a wealthy and innovate company Apple is looked down upon for its exploitation of the Chinese work force. Many other successful companies like Nike and Adidas also exploit the cheap labor in China, but more recently have acted more proactively towards fair wages. Apple charges almost 500 dollars for a new I Phone 4gs without a contract. With a new 2 year contract you can get an I Phone 4gs for around 200 dollars. With the estimated I Phone costing Apple 196 dollars to produce Apple really thrives off sales of un contracted I phones. Granted Apple did generate 4.6 billion dollars revenue last year yet they still use cheap wage tactics in China. Apple claims that’s its “partners” that operate for them in China have to live up to certain conditions and standards set forth by Apple. Personally I believe that a country so heavily geared and originated in America Apple should be responsible for its Chinese exploitations. Just because the company is not working under Apple officially, Apple should hold them fully accountable of their standards. There is no excuse that because they are just partners, than that means they can exploit cheap Chinese labor. Overall I feel that the governments of both the United States and China should be more attentive to the serious labor crisis China is having. In the event both governments cal collaborate and work together to defeat the poor labor situation then the problem can be eliminated fairly easily. Unstill then there is not much that can be done because apparently most of the companies like Apple fail to admit wrongful labor practices.