Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Password isn't your bosses

The article that I have chosen is ACLU: Facebook Password isn't your boss' business. This article was written by CNN writer Doug Gross. In this article personal privacy towards social media is targeted. The point of this article is that when getting a new job, your boss is now not able to access your social media accounts because of invasion of privacy laws. The main two social media sites that are being targeted are obviously the two most popular: Facebook and Twitter.
A man by the name of Robert Collins from Baltimore says that he was trying to get a job at a company he used to work for. During this the company told him that he had to give them his password to his Facebook. The only reason why he did it was because he really needed the job. From this Robert Collins watched while his boss pulled up his Facebook. He did not like this and asked why he was doing it. The boss said that it was to make sure he wasn't affiliated with any gangs or gang members. This case shows us that with new jobs your lifestyle is a big factor on which jobs you're going to get. I can understand how a company doesn't want any gang members or anyone affiliated with gang members, but this should not be how they go about it. Instead of hacking an employees Facebook to find out this information the company should make the employee sign a contract that states "I'm not affiliated nor have ever been in a gang and I do not know anyone in a gang". This way you don't invade the employees personal life because all your doing is finding out about the persons life.
Another aspect of not giving away your password is pointed out by Doug Gross, he says that in the Facebook Terms of Services area you are not able to share your password. Basically in this article Doug Gross is just pointing out facts that say personal privacy is an issue and companies shouldn't be able to look at your social media accounts if you don't want them to see them. This is completely understandable and reasonable. This gives the people their 4th amendment rights.

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