Wednesday, April 11, 2012

March Madness and Social Networking

I picked the “March Madness and Social Networking” video where Eric Lundquist interviews Butch Stearns on how sports teams use social networking. This video was published in 2010 by UBM TechWeb. They discuss how businesses use social networking to get a crows around what there trying to do and weather it works or not. Butch talked about how every sports team starts out with a basic group of people that follow them called fans. Here in Boston you have Sports nation for the red sox and then you also have events which are your games. At the games they do events that market off something such as prizes or tickets so that it gets peoples interests. They also do it during the game so that they get all the people’s attention who attends the game. It’s all about strategy and when to get people’s attention. They say that even though when the season ends, that doesn’t mean you should stop talking about that team or making events that support them. For example they talk about the Colts and how their quarterback Paten Manning is best known both on and off the field for everything he has done. That’s how every athlete should be and they should give back to their fans on the off season. By doing that it makes you a well-rounded athlete and people will respect you way more. They say that the best way to reach out to your fans is on a personal level instead of a group press release; instead you should reach out to the fans on an individual level and actually have a conversation with them about something that’s going on with the team. They said don’t do what LeBron did when he help a one on one conference and told the interviewer that he was taking his talent to South beach. Do what Manning did when he was going to leave he thanked everyone for the time that he had with the Colts and talked to his fan base personally. Also you can get your business out on twitter because that’s a great social media to get news and ideas out there. Use social media because it can help your cause or your event and use it to your advantage.


  1. I agree with your article that businesses can benefit from social media like twitter. Businesses get to interact with fans and see what they can do to make themselves better. They also get to see what negative things people are saying about the business. They can also send out notices like upcoming sales to attract more people. Social media is a smart tool to use for a business. Twitter is a fast way to get the news out for fans/customers to stay in touch. They can also see what competitors are doing. Knowing what your competitors can give your business ideas to beat them and attract more customers. Nothing is better than social media because you can connect with millions of people in a few seconds. Social media has changed the way businesses operate and it has brought them more money. A business that does not use social media will not compete at a high level.

  2. I kinda wish I did this video instead of the one I chose. This seems really interesting, because so many businesses, and people are on social media sites. We think being on the sites we are the consumer when in reality we are the commodity. On the right side of your page there's ads that are placed there specifically for you based off of things you like or have commented on etc. I thought it was interesting how Payton Manning is the most known both on and off the field. Is that from commercials? or just being who he is, why hasn't his brother followed and done the same things to also be most known. Social media is playing its role but, being that its new we haven't really figured that role out. Its interesting that many businesses bloomed because of social media and in the future I'm sure we will see some businesses have social media be there down fall.
