Thursday, March 1, 2012

5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world by Rick Forget

When I first got my facebook, I did not really know how to use it.  I did not know how to block people or delete them.  Now Facebook has updated and become more advanced and more private.  At one point everyone you were friends with could see your blogs, and pictures. Know you can pick and choose  who looks at your profile and all your stuff. Recently, Facebook has switched to a more timeline.  It organizes all of your statuses and makes it in order so it is slightly easier to read.  Also the timeline gives you a cover picture and have a profile picture.  Facebook allows you to report if someone has been harrasing you or bullying you.  Facebook tries to crack down on if you are friend requesting people you dont know, it will say "Do you know this person personally?" I think what Facebook is doing is the right thing by trying to stop bullying, because social networks are where a majority of bullying happens.


  1. Anthony Taylor: I do agree that as a Facebook user I have loved to use the new social network but security was a problem. Being able to pick and choose who views your account is very cool and is a way to stop many things. Social Networks such as Facebook gives young children a lot of good, but also bad opportunities. Bullying now known as cyber bullying is a way for many kids to get hurt. In my high school there a young kid Carl Walker Hoover that hung himself for online bullying. The way Facebook has taken flack over the years for being not very protective they are stepping it up and creating this software. Although it is great Facebook is doing this now, I do believe they should have had major protection like this at the start of it. Facebook starting a major none bullying campaign is extremely good for today’s youth.

  2. Nick Pinkhover: I am all for what Facebook is doing with their new privacy policies too. Before the younger generation learned how to use Facebook properly, I feel as though some of the things they were posting on the web was too personal for the everyday person to see. Cyber bullying is also a huge problem on facebook and it is definitely one of which that needs to be closely observed in order to successfully make a change to today's internet users. Now that Facebook has a step by step walkthrough of their new profile "Timeline" I believe that people, especially the younger generation will be much safer on the internet.
